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Ajai Alai

Complete Mantra:
Ajai Alai Abhai Abai Abhoo Ajoo Anaas Akaas Aganj Abhanj Alakkh Abhakkh Akaal Dyaal Alaykh Abhaykh Anaam Akaam Agaaha Adhaaha Anaathay Pramaathay Ajonee Amonee Na Raagay Na Rangay Na Roopay Na Raykhay Akarmang Abharmang Aganjay Alaykhay

Language: Gurmukhi
Source: Jaap Sahib
Author: Guru Gobind Singh

Ajai Alai - Invincible, Indestructible.
Abhai Abai - Fearless, Unchanging.
Abhoo Ajoo - Unformed, Unborn. 
Anaas Akaas - Imperishable, Etheric
Aganj Abhanj - Unbreakable, Impenetrable.
Alakkh Abhakkh - Unseen, Unaffected.
Akaal Dy-aal - Undying, Merciful
Alaykh Abhaykh - Indescribable, Uncostumed.
Anaam Akaam - Nameless, Desireless.
Agaah Adhaah - Unfathomable, Incorruptible.
Anaathay Pramaathay - Unmastered, Destroyer.
Ajonee Amonee - Beyond birth, Beyond silence.
Na Raagay Na Rangay - Beyond love, Beyond color.
Na Roopay Na Raykhay - Beyond form, Beyond shape.
Akarmang Abharmang - Beyond karma, Beyond doubt.
Aganjay Alaykhay - Unconquerable, Indescribable.

More Information:
Chanting this mantra lifts one from depression and anger.

"Whenever you are in trouble mentally or you are being attacked in one way or another chant these words and opposition will dissolve in your face." - Yogi Bhajan 

This mantra information is from Spirit Voyage

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