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Long Ek Ong Kar

Complete Mantra:
Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru

Language: Gurmukhi
Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib
Author: Guru Amar Das
Translation: One Creator, Truth is Its identity, Great Experience of Ecstacy

More Information:
This mantra was written by Guru Amar Das. The meditative style along with the breath cycle was given by Yogi Bhajan.

The breathing technique for reciting this mantra is as follows:
Inhale through the nose.  The first two breaths are long and deep and then the third inhale is only a half breath.  Breath deep and chant "ek ong kar" ek is chanted quickly then "ong" and "kar" are held out longer.  Inhale again, then chant "Sat" quickly and then "Nam" holding "Nam" for a long time and when the breath is almost gone then chant "Siri". Then take a half breath and chant "Wahe Guru". 

This mantra information is from Spirit Voyage

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